die Erinnerung
Papier, Ölfarbe, Garn
640 cm x 340 cm
2010 – 2015
2010 rannte Rob Swainston aus Brooklyn NY mit einer großen Papierrolle über den Leopoldsberg in Salem. Wie eine überdimensionale Zeichnung legte sich das weiße Papier über das Stoppelfeld. Nach dieser Aktion landete das Papier in meinem Atelier. Ich begann damit zu experimentieren. Ich baute Installationen, bemalte es, zeriss es wieder, integrierte es in Performances und Ausstellungen und nähte es schlussendlich wieder zusammen.
All diese Erinnerungen ergeben in ihren Einzelteilen ein Ganzes.
Die Erinnerung unterliegt einem Wandel. Sie kann ihre Gestalt verändern. Mal liegt sie ganz klar vor uns oder sie bäumt sich zu einem Berg auf. Lebhaft wie Wasser bleibt sie im Gedächtnis.
// the memory
In 2010, Rob Swainston from Brooklyn NY ran across the Leopoldsberg in Salem with a large roll of paper. The white paper lay across the stubble field like an oversized drawing. After this action, the paper ended up in my studio. I started experimenting with it. I built installations, painted it, tore it up again, integrated it into performances an exhibitions and finally sewed it back together again.
The individual parts of all these memories form a whole.
Memory is subject to change. It can change its shape. Sometimes it lies very clearly in front of us or it builds up into a mountain. Vivid as water, it remains in our memory.
the memory
In 2010, Rob Swainston from Brooklyn NY ran across the Leopoldsberg in Salem with a large roll of paper. The white paper lay across the stubble field like an oversized drawing. After this action, the paper ended up in my studio. I started experimenting with it. I built installations, painted it, tore it up again, integrated it into performances an exhibitions and finally sewed it back together again.
The individual parts of all these memories form a whole.
Memory is subject to change. It can change its shape. Sometimes it lies very clearly in front of us or it builds up into a mountain. Vivid as water, it remains in our memory.