ich bin da, wo Du mich findest
partizipatorische Installation
der Satz– ich bin da, wo du mich findest – war Ausgangspunkt für ein Buchtitel, eine Ausstellung und eine interaktive Installation.
Passanten hatten die möglichkeit ihre eigenen Worte zu dem Satz zu finden und Teil einer temporären Installation im öffentlichen Raum zu werden.
Innerhalb von fünf Wochen wurde das Gitter rund um die Mariensäule in Konstanz Tragfläche von unzähligen Botschaften. Schnell stellte sich heraus, dass das Bedürfnis, sich mitzuteilen groß war. Im anonymen und doch so, dass jede*r Zugang zu der jeweiligen Meinung hat.
Und das nicht im digitalen Raum, sondern unter freiem Himmel.
Ich bin da, wo du mich findest
Was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Satz?
Nach Ende des Projektes habe ich alle Bänder abgenommen und dokumentiert. Die große Botschaft war eindeutig die Liebe!
// I am there where you find me
participatory installation
the sentence – i am where you find me – was the starting point for a book title, an exhibition and an interactive installation.
Passers-by had the opportunity to find their own words for the sentence and become part of a temporary installation in public space. Within five weeks, the grid around the Marian Column in Constance became the surface for countless messages. It quickly became clear that there was a great need to communicate. Anonymously and yet in such a way that everyone has access to the respective opinion. And not in a digital space, but out in the open. I am where you find me. What’s behind this sentence?
At the end of the project, I took down all the tapes and documented them. The big message was clearly love!
I am there where you find me
participatory installation
the sentence – i am where you find me – was the starting point for a book title, an exhibition and an interactive installation.
Passers-by had the opportunity to find their own words for the sentence and become part of a temporary installation in public space. Within five weeks, the grid around the Marian Column in Constance became the surface for countless messages. It quickly became clear that there was a great need to communicate. Anonymously and yet in such a way that everyone has access to the respective opinion. And not in a digital space, but out in the open. I am where you find me. What’s behind this sentence?
At the end of the project, I took down all the tapes and documented them. The big message was clearly love!