Tusche Serie
Diese drei Arbeiten bezeugen meine Liebe zur japanischen Tusche. Viele unterschiedliche Werke sind entstanden, deren schwarze Leuchtkraft jeden in ihren Bann zieht. Im stetigen Wandel des Lichts chanchiereen diese Bilder und verzaubern bei Tag und in der Nacht.
Ohne Titel
Tusche auf Papier
jeweils 29,7 cm x 42 cm
// Ink series, untitled
These three works testify to my love of Japanese ink. Many different works have been created whose black luminosity captivates everyone. In the constant change of light, these pictures change and enchant by day and by night.
Ink series, untitled
These three works testify to my love of Japanese ink. Many different works have been created whose black luminosity captivates everyone. In the constant change of light, these pictures change and enchant by day and by night.