die Musik, die ich gemacht hätte
84 cm x 64 cm x 85 cm
Was wäre gewesen wenn…
Mit der Arbeit „die Musik, die ich gemacht hätte“ wird der eigenen Vorstellungskraft und der Idee zu einem anderen Leben und einem anderen Ausdruck (in diesem falls durch die Musik) Raum gegeben.
Die Plastik, hergestellt aus tausenden Notenblättern stellt im wahrsten Sinne eine Fülle an Möglichkeiten dar und ist Symbol für eine unendliche schöpferische Kraft, deren Potential uns zu Füßen liegt.
// the music I would have made
What would have been if…
With the work „the music I would have made“, space is given to one’s own imagination and the idea of a different life and a different expression (in this case through music).
The sculpture, made from thousands of sheets of music, literally represents an abundance of possibilities and is a symbol of the infinite creative power whose potential lies at our feet.
the music I would have made
What would have been if…
With the work „the music I would have made“, space is given to one’s own imagination and the idea of a different life and a different expression (in this case through music).
The sculpture, made from thousands of sheets of music, literally represents an abundance of possibilities and is a symbol of the infinite creative power whose potential lies at our feet.