// Interactive performance 2023
In the run-up to the performance, we collected a wide variety of tins on loan from private individuals, the contents of which had to do with hope. These loans and a short interview formed the basis of an exhibition in which the sealed cans were displayed. Only afterwards, during the performance with the mezzo soprano Jeannine Hirzel from Zurich, were the tins opened and their contents revealed.
Interactive performance 2023
In the run-up to the performance, we collected a wide variety of tins on loan from private individuals, the contents of which had to do with hope. These loans and a short interview formed the basis of an exhibition in which the sealed cans were displayed. Only afterwards, during the performance with the mezzo soprano Jeannine Hirzel from Zurich, were the tins opened and their contents revealed.
die Büchse der Pandora
Interaktive Performance 2023
Im Vorfeld der Performance haben wir von Privatpersonen verschiedenste Büchsen als Leigaben gesammelt, deren Inhalt mit der Hoffung zu tun hatte. Diese Leihgaben und ein kurzes Interview waren Grundlage einer Ausstellung, bei der die verschlossenen Büchsen gezeigt wurden. Erst anschließend, während der Performance mit der Mezzo Sopranistin Jeannine Hirzel aus Zürich würden die Büchsen geöffnet und deren Inhalt sichtbar.
// Performance lasting several hours with Jeannine Hirzel 2023
According to the myth, Hephaestus forms Pandora, an artificial figure that serves Zeus as revenge against Prometheus. She brings a box filled with all evils to earth. Only hope remains in the box when Pandora closes it again.
During the performance, Jeannine Hirzel opened the objects on loan that had previously been presented unopened in the exhibition. One by one, bizarre objects were revealed, each telling a very individual story about hope and accompanied by the performer’s singing. This action was constantly interrupted by the deformation of the head in order to maintain the parallel reference to the myth.
Performance lasting several hours with Jeannine Hirzel 2023
According to the myth, Hephaestus forms Pandora, an artificial figure that serves Zeus as revenge against Prometheus. She brings a box filled with all evils to earth. Only hope remains in the box when Pandora closes it again.
During the performance, Jeannine Hirzel opened the objects on loan that had previously been presented unopened in the exhibition. One by one, bizarre objects were revealed, each telling a very individual story about hope and accompanied by the performer’s singing. This action was constantly interrupted by the deformation of the head in order to maintain the parallel reference to the myth.
mehrstündige Performance mit Jeannine Hirzel 2023
Laut dem Mythos formt Hephästos Pandora, eine künstliche Figur, die Zeus zur Rache an Prometheus dient.
Sie bringt eine Büchse gespickt mit allen Übeln auf die Erde. Nur die Hoffnung bleibt in der Büchse zurück, als Pandora sie wieder schließt.
Wärend der Performance öffnete Jeannine Hirzel die Leihgaben, die bis dahin ungeöffnet in der Ausstellung präsentiert waren. Nach und nach kamen bizarre Gegenstände zum Vorschein, die jeweils eine ganz individuelle Geschichte zur Hoffnung erzählten und durch den Gesang der Performerin begleitet wurden.
Immerfort wurde diese Handlung durch die Verformung des Kopfes unterbrochen, um parallel den Verweis zum Mythos aufrecht zu erhalten.