Flora / Landschaft
Matthias Schenkl, Salem, 2020
Die Landschaft und Pflanzenwelt erlaubt es mir, mit ihrer Schönheit Emotionen zu wecken, die zum verweilen anregen.
// The beauty of the landscape allows me to evoke emotions that, at second glance, make you think.
The beauty of the landscape allows me to evoke emotions that, at second glance, make you think.
// In order to gain an understanding and relationship with nature, it is first and foremost about appreciation, respect and esteem. It helps to look at the big picture, but also at the details.
Photography helps us to take a closer look at what we have seen or experienced and to discover the subtleties at our leisure.
In order to gain an understanding and relationship with nature, it is first and foremost about appreciation, respect and esteem. It helps to look at the big picture, but also at the details.
Photography helps us to take a closer look at what we have seen or experienced and to discover the subtleties at our leisure.
Um ein Verständnis und Verhätnis zur Natur zu bekommen geht es in erster Linie um Wertschätzung, Respekt und Achtung. Dabei hilft der Blick in die Weite aber auch ins Detail.
Die Photographie hilft dabei, gesehenes oder erlebtes nochmals genauer zu betrachten und in Ruhe die Feinheiten zu entdecken.

Matthias Schenkl, 2019